
Hey everyone, we are a group of computer science students at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) enthusiastic about the realm of databases and data processing systems. Our initiative has been established with the purpose of fostering a collaborative community among like-minded students, researchers, and industry professionals who are interested in the latest developments in the field of databases and are passionate about advancing the state of the art through research, open source, and enterprise projects. Through our efforts, we aim to enhance the database ecosystem in Munich.


We organize various events such as meetups, reading groups, industry talks, and social events. Our meetups are a platform for students, researchers, and industry professionals to present their work, discuss the latest trends in the field, and network with others. Our reading groups are a great opportunity to dive deep into a specific topic and learn from each other. Industry talks provide insights into the practical applications of databases and data processing systems. Social events are a great way to get to know each other and have fun together.


The management team is responsible for the overall organization and coordination of the club’s activities. We are currently 9 core management team members.

Management Team


Here’s our current management members:

Georg Kreuzmayr

Georg Kreuzmayr President Meetups

Marlene Bargou

Marlene Bargou Vice President Reading Group

Pascal Ginter

Pascal Ginter Social Events

Christoph Rotte

Christoph Rotte Social Events

Michael Zinsmeister

Michael Zinsmeister IT Infrastructure / Blog Posts

Michal Szczepaniak

Michal Szczepaniak IT Infrastructure / Blog Posts

Aliya Bannayeva

Aliya Bannayeva Outside Communication / Social Media

Miguel Marcano

Miguel Marcano Outside Communication / Social Media

Dewangga Winasforcepta

Dewangga Winasforcepta Finance

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